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We Are Long-Term Missionaries Who Use Short-Term Mission Teams in Fulfilling the Great Commission!


We Host:

Youth Teams, Family Teams, Adult Teams & Church Teams. All with any kind of work & ministry emphasis desired!


   7 Day Trips


Teams of 20 or more ~ $300 per person


Teams of 20 or less ~ $6,000 per team  


Fees Include:

Lodging, building materials, tools for work projects, VBS Program, media & ministry equip., coordination of ministries, on-site assistance, and Spanish Translators!

See what other team leaders say about us below!

Serving the Needs of Mexico for 30 Years! 
Go Missions to Mexico has organized over 20,000 short-term mission trip participants and counting!

We're located by the ocean with gorgeous beaches!

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Our Unique Style of Ministry


Your mission team will minister at a specially chosen church while serving in Mexico. Through this church, you’ll do your ministries & outreaches. By strengthening and working with the local church, your fruit will remain long after you're gone. This philosophy of ministry ensures maximum fruit and impact! In our ministry you don't just serve the people of Mexico, you serve with them!

Ministry Opportunities


During the Mornings


Building Projects

This is a great time to serve by improving needy church facilities. Churches are poor in our part of Mexico and need help. By helping churches with their buildings, and by helping new churches we're planting, you're participating in true and lasting change for the people of Mexico! Materials for work projects are purchased out of mission trip fees so no need to raise extra funds for this.  More on Work Projects


Visitation & Prayer Ministry

We offer the rare treat of participating in a Visitation/Prayer Ministry. You'll visit homes to see how the Mexicans live & experience their culture up close. You’ll also pray, minister and share the love of Christ with them! More on Ministry Opportunities



Sunday afternoon and weekday mornings, part of your team will go door to door sharing Christ and praying for needy people. More on Ministry Opportunities


Lunch Time


You’ll eat authentic, tasty, Mexican meals for lunch! This is a highlight as the meals are prepared by the ladies from your specially chosen church and are really scrumptious. You'll not want to miss this special treat!  It's also a great time for fellowship with the Mexicans you'll be serving with as they'll eat with you! More on Lunches & Meals


During the Afternoons


Vacation Bible Schools

Your team will have the special treat of doing a Vacation Bible School Outreach at your specially chosen church. This is a "Hands On" time of ministry with Mexican children ranging in ages from 3-12. You'll play games, sing songs, share your testimony, participate in a Bible Story, and do crafts & snacks. It's a favorite for all! We provide the VBS program, media equipment, & all that is needed, so preparation is easy. More on Vacation Bible School Ministry


Building Projects

Those who want to continue working on the "Work Projects" after lunch are welcome to do so. More on Building Opportunities


During the Evenings


Community/Church Outreaches

Sunday evening (Wednesday optional) you'll participate in Community/Church Outreaches at your specially chosen church. You'll participate in church, sing, share testimonies, do a puppet show, show an evangelistic movie (provided by us), preach, work with children, and more. Be prepared to be touched & used by God during this special time! We provide the program & media equipment, so preparation is easy. More on Community/Church Outreaches


Youth Outreaches

We also offer the opportunity to minister to the youth of Mexico if your mission team would like. More on Youth Outreaches


Sports Outreaches

We incorporate sports into many of our ministries as it’s a great way to draw a crowd and break the ice. Both the Vacation Bible School and Youth Outreaches use sports for these purposes.


Other Opportunities We Offer


Plenty of Free Time

You'll have many free evenings, along with a free day on Friday, for fun, your own group activities, and for experiencing the culture of Mexico!


Close-by Beaches

We have close-by beaches that are sandy and little used along with private beach property as well. You'll have plenty of free time for this rich treasure so plan accordingly! More on Beaches


Cultural & Language Immersion

In addition to ministry, you'll have the opportunity to see and experience another culture up close. In our ministry, you serve alongside Mexicans so, you'll be immersed in the culture, language, and people of Mexico!


You're Needed!

We serve around 150 churches in our area and offer a vast array of opportunities for short-term mission teams. We invite you to prayerfully consider serving with Go Missions to Mexico as you're greatly needed! More on Mission Trip Details


Mission Trips Offered Year-Round!

Besides dates like Spring Break, Easter Break, Summer Break, and Christmas Break, mission trips are offered year-round!


What's Different About Our Ministry?


  • About a third of mission trip fees go toward providing the building materials for your work projects, so there’s no need to raise extra funds! We also provide expertize and tools needed for your work projects.


  • We operate on a "Good Faith" basis and don't ask for payments & deposits until close to trip departure. This allows maximum time for fundraising & alleviates pressures and hassles with deposit payments throughout the process! More on Mission Trip Fees


  • We're a little deeper into Mexico which allows you to experience the true culture of Mexico unlike that of border towns! More on Our Location


  • We're Long-Term Missionaries who reside in Mexico and have 23 years of experience in missions. We understand the culture, people, and language of Mexico. We'll take good care of you, take care of all the details of your mission trip, and be your guides during your stay with us! More on About Us


  • We keep fees as low as possible, so no one is hindered from coming!


  • We have a large, safe, ministry base with 4 separate lodging amenities that can accommodate a total of 230 people in beds and 500 if camping is utilized! More on Mission Base Facilities


  • We offer a multifaceted ministry package for short-term mission teams that includes: Work Projects, Evangelism, Visitation/Prayer Ministry, Vacation Bible School, Community Outreaches, Youth Outreaches, Sports Outreaches, serving children needier than those in orphanages, and more! More on Ministry Opportunities


  • We're located in a safe, rural, agricultural area with no threats of any kind, so you don't have to worry about safety issues! More on Safety in Mexico


  • We offer mission trips year around.  Just pick the dates you'd like and we'll get your team scheduled for your mission trip! For Spring Break Mission Trips, Summer Break Mission Trips, Thanksgiving Break Mission Trips & Christmas Break Mission Trips, please look at our calendar. Calendar of Mission Trip Dates


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Unique Ways We Can Help With Your Mission Trip!


We are Long-Term Missionaries! 

We're currently in our 20th year living on the mission field with an additional 3-4 years of experience in leading 2-3 mission teams a year to Mexico. With this unique gift, God has taught us the most healthy and impactful way to involve short-term mission teams in the Great Commission. Our purpose is to use our short-term mission organization to incorporate youth mission trips, family mission trips, adult mission trips, teen mission trips, medical, construction and any other kind of mission trip in our long-term missionary work. Rest assured your group is needed and will be utilized wisely!


We provide a clean, safe, mission base for your group to stay at while serving on your short-term missions trip in Mexico! 

The Mission Base is situated in a large open area with a distant view of the ocean. It provides the perfect setting for short term missionaries to stay while serving in Mexico. You can feel secure that your team will be in a safe, secure, fenced in facility. Also, we are located in a rural, agricultural area with no threats of any kind. We're located about four hours South of San Diego, in the San Quintin Valley of Baja California, Mexico. Facilities include furnished kitchens (with stoves, refrigerators, pots, and pans, etc.), dining rooms, meeting rooms, hot showers, flushing toilets, dorms with cushions, campfire areas, recreational areas, a close-by beach, and more. It provides a safe haven to return to after a full day of activities. The Ministry Base can accommodate 230 people in beds and another 500 if camping is desired. It has 4 separate lodging amenities, each with their own accommodations. More on Mission Base Facilities


The cost is very affordable! 

We offer affordable, safe, short-term mission trip opportunities to Mexico. We do everything possible to keep fees low so all can experience a mission trip, and at the same time, offer high-quality service. Mission trip fees cover the following: lodging, construction materials for your work projects, most general tools for work projects, all ministry & media equipment for your ministries, Vacation Bible School Program, puppets and puppet stage, videos, video equipment, puppet scripts in Spanish, coordination of all your ministries and work projects, Spanish translation help, and our on-site presence and assistance at all times. More on Mission Trip Fees


We provide help with food and transportation! 

We offer great help for making food prep and transportation a breeze no matter how large your mission team is. More on Eating & Meals in Mexico


Orphanage work! 

Many mission teams ask us about serving at an orphanage. The children our ministry serves are actually needier than the children in orphanages. Many children in our area are neglected and left alone as both parents work to get by. As a result, many young children 12 or younger are left alone to care for their siblings. Our ministry serves these needy children by doing Vacation Bible Schools, etc., that provide attention both spiritually and physically to these children. Additional time can be spent as well if desired.


We provide mission trip planning help for mission team leaders! 

We have "Mission Trip Prep Section" on our website and a downloadable “Leader’s Manual” that will clearly walk you through everything you'll need to know for planning your short-term mission trip to Mexico, get your mission team ready for ministry, and prepare them for cross-cultural sensitivity. We have many resources, training materials, handouts, etc., available for mission team preparation, and provide help for organizing your mission trip, your stay in Mexico, and more! More on Our Mission Trip Prep Section


We coordinate your schedule according to your group's abilities & desires! 

Because we live in Mexico and have a year around ministry to the pastors & churches in our region, we have a good pulse on the needs here. We also have 23 years of experience in working with short-term mission teams as well. We provide help and coordination with your Vacation Bible School, Work Projects, Outreaches, Evangelism, the meals at the church you'll serve at, and more. We coordinate everything before your arrival and take care of all the details for your ministries. You'll arrive with the peace of mind knowing that everything has been coordinated ahead of time for your missionary trip in Mexico.


We serve with you and assist you during your stay in Mexico! 

We will serve alongside you and act as your hosts. If you need help in any area of your mission trip, we're always available to help out.



We arrange with local pastors on the mission field to disciple new believers and others whom your team will minister to during their time in Mexico.


We can customize your mission trip to fit your style and abilities! 

The middle name of our short term mission organization is flexibility.  We can customize your schedule to accommodate you in almost any way you would like. A short-term mission trip to Mexico can have an emphasis towards a youth mission trip, high school mission trip, Jr. high mission trip, teen mission trip, student mission trip, college mission trip, or a family mission trip.  


We provide Spanish help and translators if you need it! 

Because we live in Mexico, we all speak fluent Spanish and can assist you if you lack translators or the ability to speak Spanish. We also have Spanish help on our website to help as well. More on Spanish


The weather in Baja California is pleasant year-round! 

The area in which we’re located (San Quintín, Baja California) is close to the Pacific Ocean and is very pleasant year around. Winter highs are in the 70's, lows in the 50's. Summer highs are in the 80's, lows in the 70's. With temperatures mild year-round, short-term mission trips can be made anytime during the year. We also have close-by beaches that are clean, sandy, and little used. More on Our Beaches


We provide a unique schedule with multifaceted ministries and cultural proximity! 

We have worked hard to develop a ministry schedule that provides maximum impact for mission trips, is culturally sensitive, and gets you serving right alongside the nationals of Mexico. More on Schedule of Activities


We understand the needs of mission team leaders! 

Four years prior to serving as long-term missionaries in Mexico, we led 2-3 mission trips a year to Mexico. We have organized youth mission trips, family mission trips, and college mission trips. We understand what it's like to be a Group Coordinator. We know that you want to truly serve, and at the same time, see your youth, family, and adult's lives changed. Part of the purpose of our mission agency is to help you bring about real life change in your team member's lives.


We provide cultural, ministry, and debriefing orientation for mission teams!

At the beginning of the week, we provide a cultural and ministry orientation meeting to help your team understand the Mexican culture and how to best serve them. In addition, we provide debriefing orientation in our farewell meeting at the end of the week to help teams process and integrate into their lives what they've experienced in Mexico. These meetings are designed to bring about true and lasting life change in your team member's lives.


We offer all kinds of short-term mission trip opportunities for youth, families, adults, high school, Jr. High, and mixed short-term mission teams! 

We are set up to handle any kind of short term missions trip you might want to put together. We offer youth mission trips, family mission trips, and general Christian short-term mission opportunities for youth, family, and adults. Our short term mission organization uses teams year around; Spring Break, Summer Break, Thanksgiving Break & Christmas Break. We also focus on serving children needier than those in orphanages.


We're a family-run ministry! 

Because we're a family-run ministry we can be casual and flexible. You won't be dealing with a large mission agency with impersonal people and complicated regulations. We're warm, friendly, and easy to deal with. We'd like to invite you to participate in a short-term mission trip to Mexico with Go Missions to Mexico. More on About Us & References


You’re greatly needed! 

We serve around 150 churches in our area and they all ask us for teams to help them out. We need you and would ask you to prayerfully consider coming. A mission trip to Mexico can change both the lives of those in your group and those in Mexico as well.


Mission trips are offered year-round! 

Besides popular dates like Spring Break Mission Trips, Easter Break Mission Trips, Summer Break Mission Trips, Thanksgiving Break Mission Trips, and Christmas Break Mission Trips, mission trips are offered year-round!


Large collection of videos! 

We have put together a ton of videos to help you see exactly what your ministry and stay would look like in Mexico. More on Video Clips


We're located close to the Pacific Ocean! 

We’re just a mile from the beautiful Pacific Ocean and have private beach front property for your use. Our beaches are sandy, very gradual, and little used. More on Our Beaches


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We have sent teams to work with "Go Missions to Mexico" for many years. Each time the teams come home they are inspired to live lives more focused on eternity. They get involved in our VBS's, our missions teams and in reaching out to unbelievers in their own culture. We believe these short-term mission trips have a profound impact on the culture of our church. I know that you have many missions opportunities to be involved with, but I strongly urge you to consider getting involved with "Go Missions to Mexico." While you might not be able to send a team to Russia or Africa, like us you might be able to send one to Mexico. When you roof a church or hold a child on your lap during a VBS lesson, you directly invest in God's work in them and you!"


—  Paul Glazner, Pastor

Family Church, Sutherlin, Oregon

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Books By Go Missions to Mexico

What Is the Gospel Digital Book Cover Fr
Biblical Discipline Digital Book Cover F
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Israel Biblical Sites Bible Companion (M
Digital Book Cover Front - Jerusalem Boo
Digital Book Cover Front - Sea of Galile
Digital Book Cover Front Updated Neguev

Go Missions to Mexico 

Ministry Offering Christ-Centered Mission Trips to Mexico


Go Missions to Mexico

196 Hambrick Ave., Sutherlin, OR   97479



541 603 4770 (U.S.A.)  


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© 2024 by Go Missions to Mexico Ministries

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