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Ministry Opportunities

Ministry Opportunities


Our Philosophy of Ministry

Your short term mission team will serve at a specially chosen church during the week you are here in Mexico. Through this church, you'll do your outreaches. By strengthening and working through the local church, your fruit will remain long after you're gone. Know that your team will be used wisely and effectively in our ministry. We strive to share the Gospel in a clear and impactful manner. Your mission team will be greatly used to change lives and in return, the lives of your team members will be greatly changed as well!


General Schedule & Format

Most mission teams follow our recommended schedule unless other arrangements have been made. This schedule provides a wide variety of ministry opportunities available that involves all your mission team and highly impacts those you’ll be serving in Mexico as well!


  • Sunday Afternoon/Evening - Evangelism, Community Outreach & Vacation Bible School. Evening meals eat at your specially chosen church.

  • Monday-Thursday Mornings - Work Projects & Home/ Prayer Ministry

  • Monday-Thursday Lunch - Eat at your specially chosen church.

  • Monday-Thursday Afternoons - Vacation Bible School Outreaches

  • Wednesday Evening - Optional Community Outreach

  • Friday - Free day

  • Saturday - Departure


Please see our featured video at the top right for a look at the above schedule and opportunities in action! More on Schedule of Activities


Children’s Ministry Outreaches  

Vacation Bible School Outreaches are a tremendous way to reach children for Christ. VBS's are usually held at the church where you serve during the week. They normally take place in the afternoon as children go to school in the morning. VBS's start with a play time outside in order to draw as many children as possible. Following the playtime, we move inside and do songs, Bible story, crafts, and snacks. We provide all the media equipment and VBS program so prep is easy. More on Children’s Ministries


Evangelism Ministry  

This unique ministry focuses on going door to door handing out tracts to share the gospel, inviting the community to the activities you’ll be doing at your specially chosen church, and praying for needy folks.

More on Evangelism Ministry


Home Visitation & Prayer Ministry  

Monday-Thursday we offer the unique ministry of home visitation. During this special time, you'll visit homes in the community to pray, see how folks live in Mexico, encourage them, and share the love of Christ. More on Prayer & Visitation Ministry


Church/Community Outreaches  

Sunday Evening (Wednesday optional) you'll participate in a Community Outreach at your specially chosen church. Your mission team can participate by singing a song or two, doing a puppet show, sharing a couple testimonies, and doing a Vacation Bible School with the children. We provide all the media equipment and VBS program so prep is easy.

More on Church/Community Outreaches


Orphanage Work

Many mission teams ask us about serving at an orphanage. Many children our ministry serves are actually needier than some children in orphanages. Many children in our area are neglected and left alone as both parents work to get by. As a result, many young children 12 or younger are left alone to care for their siblings. To minister to these needy children by doing a Vacation Bible School gives at least 2 hours a day of attention both spiritually and physically to these children. Additional time can be spent as well with them if desired.


Youth Outreaches

We also offer the opportunity to minister to the youth of Mexico if your mission team would like serving the teens from your specially chosen church in Mexico. More on Youth Outreaches


Sports Outreaches

We incorporate sports in many of the ministries we do as it’s a great way to draw a crowd and break the ice. Both the Vacation Bible School Outreaches and the Youth Outreaches use sports as a tool for drawing crowds.


Building & Work Project Opportunities

While this page of the website focuses more on spiritual ministries, we also provide the opportunity of helping needy churches with their facilities so they can better reach their communities for Christ.  


During the mornings, part of your group will normally be involved in some church-related work projects until lunch time. The rest of your team (those who choose to do so) will be involved in our Prayer/Visitation ministry.


To be able to come alongside a needy church and help with their church buildings meets a great need and allows the church to better reach their communities for Christ.


Materials for your construction projects are purchased with your mission trip fees. As a result, there’s no need to worry about having to raise additional funds for your work projects! In the event your mission team might want to do a large project, we would ask you to raise addition funds for this. More on Work Projects


Other Kinds of Outreaches

If you would like to do something different than mentioned above, just let us know. We’re very flexible and allow mission teams to use their gifts and talents in our ministry.


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Go Missions to Mexico 

Ministry Offering Christ-Centered Mission Trips to Mexico

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