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Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions While on Your Mission Trip


First Things, First

In order to have a servant's heart, experience life-change for your mission team, and to be greatly used by God in the lives of those you'll be serving in Mexico, we encourage you to have a daily devotional time. We, as the site missionaries, will do a Culture & Ministry Orientation Meeting Sunday morning that can act as your devotional/church if you’d like. We’ll also do a Farewell Meeting on Thursday evening. Your group will be responsible for your own Daily Devotionals Monday - Friday. We kindly ask that everyone attend all meetings and devotionals with a receptive heart. It's easy for some to think that their tasks might be urgent and more important. Please encourage all to attend and have a learner's heart. You are encouraged to come up with your own devotionals or you can use some of the other options in this section of the website.  


Below is a suggested schedule of the week's daily devotional meetings while at the ministry base. Of course, if you would like to adjust times of your own group’s daily devotions Monday - Friday, you are welcome to do so.



9:00-11:30am - Culture & Ministry Orientation Meeting regarding Cultural Aspects & Ministries in Mexico (given by site missionary). If you want to have your own meeting time before the Orientation Meeting you are welcome to do so. However, we kindly ask that by 8:45am you are finished so the Orientation Meeting can start on time. Please have all your team members present for this important orientation time.


Monday - Thursday

7:45 - 8:15am - Devotional Time (If you would like to do your Devotional Times at another time, you are welcome to do so.)


8:30am - Depart for ministry site


Thursday Evening

7:30 - 8:30pm - Farewell Meeting (Given by Mike Fink - Site Missionary)



Free Day or Depart for Home

Go Missions to Mexico 

Ministry Offering Christ-Centered Mission Trips to Mexico


Go Missions to Mexico

196 Hambrick Ave., Sutherlin, OR   97479



541 603 4770 (U.S.A.)  


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© 2024 by Go Missions to Mexico Ministries

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